Losing someone too soon is a tragedy, but you shouldn’t just give in to your grief. With the right legal team at your side, you can get closure and compensation – but you’ll have to get informed, first. Read on to learn more about wrongful death cases, and see how a lawyer can help.

  1. Wrongful Death And Manslaughter Are Different.

The sudden loss of a loved one can lead to a whole mix of emotions. While you’re trying to make sense of the whole situation, it’s common to wonder how you can hold someone accountable for the death they may have caused. This is how a wrongful death case can help.

Manslaughter and wrongful death both apply to situations that resulted in an accidental death. However, manslaughter cases are heard in a criminal court, and wrongful death cases are heard in a civil court. While manslaughter can result in jail time, a wrongful death suit typically involves financial compensation.

  1. A Manslaughter Case May Not Give You Any Financial Compensation.

Criminal courts and civil courts operate differently. One of the more major differences is the type of punishment. In a criminal case such as manslaughter, the accused risks going to jail, paying a fine to the state, or both. It’s not common for a manslaughter charge to result in making a payout to the victim’s family.

On the other hand, a wrongful death lawsuit is usually leveled by the family and friends of the deceased. While the defendant may not face any jail time, he or she may have to pay a sizeable sum of money.

  1. A Civil Suit Can Help Cover The Costs.

Aside from being a difficult time for the family and friends of the deceased, a death can cost a lot of money. While every wrongful death case is different, there’s always funerary bills and expenses to take care of. Probate can take a long time and rack up additional fees, and if a wrongful death occurred because of medical malpractice, there may also be hospital bills on top of everything else.

Filing a wrongful death suit can’t bring a loved one back, but it can balance out the costs of their death so you can focus on grieving your loss.

  1. The Right Lawyer Can Help.

A wrongful death case is challenging, and there’s lots of legal red tape to navigate. It’s a difficult process, but the right lawyer can make all the difference. Every legal team has a different approach to how they handle wrongful death cases. As a wrongful death lawyer can explain, it’s oftentimes necessary to investigate the specifics of a case to determine who should be held accountable, and how their negligence resulted in a death.

  1. Not All Lawyers Are Created Equal.

When you’re shopping for lawyers, it’s easy to make a snap decision and go with whoever shows up on Google first. However, not all lawyers are created equal. Some are only interested in collecting a payout, and others lack the experience to carry your case.

Look for lawyers who offer free consultations. This is a great chance to get to know how they operate, and you’ll be able to see what they can offer during your call. Get in touch with a lawyer today to learn more.