Sometimes it’s easy to identify who was responsible for a car accident. But what happens when more than two vehicles are involved? Of course, that makes the situation automatically more complicated to figure out. In fact, all three or more of the drivers may be found liable for the crash. What if you were the one driver that hadn’t done anything wrong? Or if you weren’t perfect in the situation, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be compensated for the injuries and losses you experienced too. 

What factors will be considered when determining liability?

Factors that can determine fault in a multi-car accident include whether any driver was speeding, inebriated, distracted, failed to use turn signals, failed to follow at safe distance, did not observe traffic signs or signals, or another violation of the rules for the road. Did you see any of the drivers run a red light? Or were they on their phone? Write down your version of events so that you can more easily recall little details like these which can prove to have a big influence on determining liability. Every vehicle accident unfolds differently, and won’t have the exact same contributing factors. Due to the complex nature of multi-vehicle accidents, it is wise to consider speaking with a lawyer for help.

Can I challenge fault in a three-way car crash?

If you were in a three-way vehicle collision, you may be found partially at fault. If you think this assessment is wrong, you can challenge it with help from a legal team. To deny fault, you must argue against the other driver’s testimonies. Dealing with other parties and their insurance companies can be mentally trying, especially if you are recovering from physical injury too. With support from your lawyer, you can present evidence that supports your claims as to what happened. Even better yet, victims are advised to get legal counsel before a fault determination is concluded. 

Should I be wary of talking with insurance companies?

Anyone who has been in an accident should be mindful of why they say to insurance companies. Remember, insurance companies are still for profit entities, and their main priority is saving themselves money, not the victim’s recovery. The worse the injuries, property damage, and other losses are, the more an insurance company may try to reduce that victim’s claim so they don’t have to pay as much in a settlement. Let your lawyer know when it’s time to speak with your insurance company and adjusters, so they can walk you through the conversation or take it over for you instead. 

Multi-car accidents can be more stressful compared to collisions between two vehicles. If you were the victim in a recent car accident, it is recommended that you get counsel from a reputable legal team, so they can watch out for your best interests and fight against unfair claims about who was at fault. Contact a car accident lawyer Des Moines IA victims meet with from Des Moines Injury Law to have someone come to your aid right away.