When you are injured in a car accident because of another driver’s negligence or recklessness, you may be confused as to what steps you should take in order to ensure you receive the financial compensation you are entitled to under the law. Dealing with insurance companies, and gathering documents and evidence can be especially difficult when you are trying to recover from those injuries. This is why a Watkinsville, GA car accident lawyer can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. The following are some of the terms that are necessary for your case but that you may not even be aware of.

How do I even begin the process of filing a car accident claim?

Many car accident victims are unsure if they should file a claim with their own insurance company or the other driver’s company. It is important for you to contact your insurance company and provide them with all the necessary information regarding the accident, even if the other driver was responsible.

Before you file a claim with the other driver’s company, it is important to speak with a car accident lawyer first. Although you may be concerned because your medical bills are piling up and you are not getting paid while you are missing work to recover, you need to be aware that the other driver’s insurance company will use that financial stress you may be feeling to pressure you to settle quickly and for far less than you may be entitled to.

What exactly is an insurance settlement?

The majority of car accident claims never go to trial. More than 95 percent of claims are settled out of court. A settlement occurs when there is a negotiation between the victim’s car accident lawyer and the insurance company’s lawyers and they are able to reach a dollar amount that both sides can agree on.

By entering into a settlement, the case is resolved without the need for litigation and a jury decision. Settling a case is far less expensive for both sides than having to go to trial.

What if we cannot reach a settlement? What happens next?

If the parties cannot agree on a settlement amount, then the victim’s lawyer will send the insurance company a demand letter. This letter will detail how the crash caused the victim’s injuries, the full extent of those injuries and how they have impacted the victim’s life, and the amount of financial compensation the victim is seeking in order to avoid going to trial.

What happens once the demand letter is received by the insurance company?

The purpose of the demand letter is to let the insurance company know how much the victim is “demanding” and to let them know that the victim and their lawyer have every intention of pursuing a trial if the company refuses to settle. At this point, the insurance company may provide a counteroffer that could initiate settlement negotiations again. The parties may also consider mediation as a way to resolve the case.

If none of the above works, then the victim’s lawyer will file a lawsuit and the case will now proceed through the civil court system where a jury will decide the outcome of the case.

How can your firm help?

If you have been injured in a car accident, the lawyers at Norris Injury Law can help you pursue legal action against the at-fault party. Each lawyer at our firm are skilled negotiators and will work to settle your case in your best interest. However, we are also experienced litigators and will not hesitate to bring your case to trial if needed. Call our office today to schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of our skilled car accident lawyers.