Unfortunately, if you have been sexually harassed at work, you are not alone. Sexual harassment is the most common type of harassment reported in the workplace. It can be difficult to determine the best course of action after harassment has occurred. If you have been sexually harassed in the workplace, you may want to contact an employment discrimination lawyer, like a lawyer from Eric Siegel Law. It is important to speak up quickly if you have experienced sexual harassment. 

Here are the top five things you should know about sexual harassment in the workplace:

1. Do not quit your job. It is not uncommon for an employee to quit their job after one incident of sexual harassment. It could be that they are uncomfortable or embarrassed to go back to work, which is understandable. However, if you quit, you could be losing your sexual harassment claims. If your employer has published a sexual harassment policy, you need to follow the policy to report the harassment and allow your employer to fix the situation. If you do not report it and simply quit, it could be difficult for you to win a sexual harassment lawsuit. 

2. Put the sexual harassment in writing. It is extremely important to write out all of the details of your sexual harassment. Even if the policy says to meet with or call someone, you need to also put the complaint in writing. Every sexual comment, inappropriate joke or email, shot of pornography, sexual advance, or anything you have experienced should be documented. 

3. Your employer does not have to fire the harasser. The law does not require the employer to fire the harasser and you should not refuse to go back to work because of this. This does not mean that there are no consequences for the harasser. The harasser could be disciplined or warned, they may have to move locations, sit through a sexual harassment training, or in severe cases, the harasser may be terminated. 

4. Your employer must investigate. Once you have filed a sexual harassment report, your employer is required to investigate. In most instances, they will have to interview the harasser, your coworkers, and any witnesses you named. Once they speak with the harasser, your harasser will know that it has been reported. While this can be intimidating, it is a required part of the process. 

5. Keep reporting any sexual harassment. It is the duty of the employer to create a safe workplace for all of their employees. If you continue to be harassed or if your harasser, or any of their friends, retaliate against you, report it again. If your employer does not take any additional actions, you may wish to speak with an attorney.

Do not hesitate to reach out to a lawyer who can help you today.